Mufasa, a lost and lonely cub, meets a sympathetic lion named Taka, heir to the royal bloodline. A chance encounter sets off an expansive journey as a group of misfits search for their destiny. Go behind the scenes of Mufasa: The Lion King with director Barry Jenkins, his cast, and composer Lin-Manuel Miranda as they discuss the prequel. James Earl Jones, who played Mufasa from 1994 to 2019, died at the age of 93 on September 9, 2024.
The earth shakes
When offered the role, he declined, and this film is dedicated to his memory. Rafiki: [from the trailer] This story begins far beyond the mountains and shadows. On the other side of the light, a lion was born without a drop of nobility in his blood. A lion that will change our lives forever.
Destiny awaits you
Featured in AniMat’s crazy cartoon: The Sequel of Life (2020). Another special effects movie with effects that are already outdated. Disney doesn’t capture hearts with those excessively long special effects movies that are less creative than their animated predecessors. The American voice acting is pretty bad, but it shows that a significant portion of the movie’s budget went there.
This is not a family movie
The music is uninspired, as is the dialogue in some of the songs. Spend your hard-earned money on bluray music of the classics or an actual Disney show. Kids will get bored after 30 minutes. I have a hard time thinking of anyone who would really be interested in watching this.
But I don’t think it’s worth telling everyone
The story could be a two-minute extra from the original Lion King. Avoid.
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